Limited edition 3000k extra warm color tone LED
Indestrucible compact EDC V2
Great balance of candela and lumens
1320 lumens 24,000 candela
offers a large hotspot profile
Limited edition 3000k extra warm color tone LED
everything you need for one great price NICE
In the package you will receive
- Super bright compact flashlight 3inches 3oz
-KeepPower 18350 imr 1200mh 10amp battery (Required! These configuration draw High Amps! I also recommend These batteries )
-battery charger (usb powered great for at home and on the go)
- stainless steal bolt-on deep carry pocket clip
- lanyard
12 hidden user programmable modes so you can carry configures from a single mode 100% on/off only for tactical applications or multi modes like low medium high for edc. (Programming guide)